version control

When git keeps asking for my password

Intro Are you keeping your PowerShell code version controlled using git? Or any code for that matter. That’s great! Are you having problems accessing private repositories on GitHub or VSTS? Then this post if for you! Git for Windows comes with this awesome component called Git Credential Manager for Windows. It keeps track of all your credentials by storing them in the Windows Credential Store AND it gives us support for multi-factor authentication for Visual Studio Team Services, GitHub and Bitbucket!

Wrong email in git? Git hook to the rescue!

Intro I use git as version control, it is great! But I use different email addresses in different situations and sometimes I get it wrong. Not a terrible problem but quite an annoyance. Let me show you an example: I recently contributed to the PowerShell repository (you can see my pull request here: Where-Object: add parameter ‘Not’) and I did an annoying mistake, I used the wrong email address. I have my work email configured in my global git config and sometimes I forget to change that to my private email when contributing to open source projects on GitHub.