
Azure Functions - The ultimate integration platform

Azure Functions is an awesome serverless offering from Microsoft. It lets you deploy a small piece of code as a “function” without having to worry about any underlying infrastructure. A function will then execute on a given event, which for example could be an event from an event service like Event Grid or Event Hubs, a message on a queue like Azure ServiceBus or Azure storage queues, a direct HTTP request like an API call or a webhook, or a timer.

Azure Function App Setting and Container Size not supported error

Intro I deployed an Azure function using ARM template and then tried to manually add an application setting in the portal. Got the following error message: Updating web app settings The specified container size is not supported. Use one of these container sizes: 128, 192, 256, 320, 384, 448, 512, 576, 640, 704, 768, 832, 896, 960, 1024, 1088, 1152, 1216, 1280, 1344, 1408, 1472, 1536. Searched on the internet, found this issue: https://github.

Hosting a blog without a server

tl;dr I’ve migrated my blog from WordPress to a static web site hosted on Azure storage. It was way easier than I thought it would be and I don’t regret it for a second! Now I’m hosting this blog on an Azure storage account using static pages generated from MarkDown-files by Hugo. I still have a few things to figure out in regards to web-page optimization, SEO and CI/CD pipeline to make blogging as effortless as possible, but so far my only regret is that I didn’t go down this path sooner.

Managing licenses with AzureAD V2 PowerShell module

On november 17th, a new version of the AzureAD PowerShell module was released to the gallery. This can be found here:

In the old MSOnline module there were two commands used to change assigned licenses to a user. First we had the Set-MsolUserLicense with the parameter ObjectID or UserPrincipalName could be combined with AddLicenses, RemoveLicenses and LicenseOptions. Secondly we had New-MsolLicenseOptions which would create a licenseoptions object.

In the new AzureAD module there still is a command called Set-AzureADUserLicense, but it has only two parametrs, ObjectId and AssignedLicenses. There is no command to create licenseoptions.

Now this can be a bit confusing for the unexperienced PowerShell user, but fear not, we’ll get to the bottom of this!

Updating AzureRM only when needed

I stumbled upon this great post by Ian Farr the other day about Automagically Keep the Azure PowerShell Module Up-To-Date. In this post Ian tells us how keeps his help and azure module up to date by starting a background job from his profile script. In the end, Ian mentions that he recently added the command Update-AzureRM to his job and that it updates the AzureRM modules each time even if he already has the latest version.