Parse netlogon.log using PowerShell to find missing Subnets

[TL,DR: I’ve written a script to retrieve IP Addresses from subnets not defined in Active Directory. It is published on Technet Gallery: Get-MissingSubnets] Active Directory uses Sites to define where in the topology a computer resides and thereby determining which server that should be used for certain services. For example sites are used to determine which Domain Controller a client should use as a logon server and if one of my clients log on at a site somewhere in Australia I probably don’t want it to process Group Policies from a Domain Controller in the US.

PowerShell: Check if VMware vShield driver is installed and running

The VMware vShield driver is a system driver named vsepflt. It is easy to check the status of this driver by running msinfo32.exe and navigating to “Software EnvironmentSystem Drivers” This can however be a bit cumbersome on an environment with more than one virtual machine. That’s why I recommend using PowerShell instead. The System Drivers category displayed by msinfo32 is nothing else than the WMI-class Win32_SystemDriver, so I wrote a short function that can be used to inventory the status of the VMware vShield driver.

Working with complex ldap filters in Powershell

When working with Active Directory and Powershell using ldap filters is a great way of searching the directory with great performance. The only problem is that ldap filters tend to be a bit hard to read and sometimes they appear to be a jitter of parentheses with some cryptic values in between. When I write ldap filters I usually write them as multiline indented text, for example let say I wanted to search for all users (not contacts or computers) that is enabled and not set to expire.

Programmatically capture Verbose Output in a PowerShell variable

I was playing around with the cmdlets in the DFSR-module the other day and realized that none of them could (as far as I could tell) give me a reliable count on the number of items in the DFSR Backlog. My plan was to initiate a replication of two folders and then have a script monitor the backlog to generate status messages to keep me informed of the progress. I searched for a way to accomplish this by looking at the commands in the DFSR module that have the verb Get

Force SCCM Distribution Point to refresh failed packages

If a Distribution Point in System Center Configuration Manager has failed packages it probably has a cause and resending the packages might not be the right solution to the problem. But I had the need to resend all failed packages on a distribution point and I was in no mood to click around in the GUI so I investigated the WMI classes listed on MSDN: First of all, what I am looking for is packages on a certain distribution point.